#de_VICE: Our mobile ‘addiction’

I’ve always wanted to capture the world in it’s most natural and innocent form – free of any pretensions or disguise. I’ve come to love photography a few years ago that’s why I bought my own DSLR. However, due to unlikely circumstances I was not able to completely pursue this passion.

Looking at these photos really stirred back the old desire to become a good photographer someday. And though, I know it takes a lot of time, patience and practice to take photos as compelling as these, I believe that someday I’ll be able to find my own niche in photography.

The photographer behind these photos, Zach Arias, is such a brilliant artist. Indeed, only a few can bravely step out in the streets and take photos of strangers in their most candid moments – in this case, while they are staring into their mobile phones. The emotions are so raw. You can almost relate in each shot. Each photo strongly conveys that technology can really take you out of this world.


The 30th of December 2013

The year 2013 is about to expire in less than a couple of days and we will be welcoming the year 2014. So, today is a perfect time to reflect on everything that transpired in the entire year.

(Oh God, do I need inspiration to write something not so cliché? hehe …)

Well, the year 2013 is a year of facing uncertainties and breakthroughs. I don’t have to relate them one by one. If you are curious though, you can check out my Facebook’s 2013 Year in Review.

Let me just share with you 5 important things that I learned in 2013 — on hind sight. Meaning, I might have not realized these right after they happened but the passing of time have given me this realizations.

  1. Cherish LOVE — even the littlest of love you receive, you should never take them for granted. You may not realize that this little gift of affection may become a spark of light in your dimmest moments.
  2. Take the challenge. Everything that happen in your life was designed for you. It will not happen if it is not meant to be. So despite the fear of the unknown upon embarking on a new assignment put in your mind that God will not give you an opportunity or challenge that you will not learn from. Learn the ropes and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Just be cautious though because unknown territories have a lot of surprises and you do not want to trample and awake the monsters. (hehe!)
  3. Live within your means and spend only from your own resources or invest in a financial scheme that allows you to earn from savings and even loans. Money is such a temptation but you have to control it. I guess, I’m still struggling on this aspect but hopefully I will manage to master this soon.
  4. On Friendship. Well, it’s true that people come and go and sometimes you just don’t realize when they exactly left. There are plenty of people who I missed this year. I wish I could have spent more time with them but I think that when you’re growing older you just kind of take a back seat from social life. Friends are very important to me but keeping up with them are sometimes a challenge. I just pray that they understand where I am at this moment. And if maybe they’re on the same dilemma as I am in, then there will be no need for apologies for not being able to see each other as much as we did before.  Friends will always be friends even if they come and go.
  5. Family is the most precious gift from God. Our family is a living testament to this. No matter what happens, whether we are near or far apart, we remain united in everything. There may be a lot of changes — like a family member going overseas and another one embarking into marriage — the family remains strong. There may be arguments but most of the time they’re just exchanges of point of views which aims to come at a better decision or action that the family needs to undergo.

The year 2013 is nevertheless, fruitful and blissful. I wish that the coming new year will be more productive and more joyful as new challenges and new opportunities abound.

The Mark of True Chivalry

The Crying Policeman

The mark of true chivalry is not about using your authority and power to expel detractors. I admire this policeman, PO1 Joselito Sevilla, for standing on his ground despite the chaos and the temptation to use force in a situation like this. Crying is not cowardice nor is it about desperation — in this circumstance, it shows how one person can withhold emotions. Instead of using force to defend himself from the assault of some protesters, he chose to contain himself. Contained emotions has to come out and for PO1 Sevilla, it came as tears.

Feb12 Blabzzzzzz

come to think of it, many people tend to keep in touch only when there’s something very important to be shared, discussed, or sought … (and I’m one of them) … but well, for me, that’s somehow normal because why would I bother anyone with something that’s not essential to both parties? Likewise, I wouldn’t want to be bothered with something I couldn’t relate with. Other people may have a different point of view and I respect them. However, may I request for understanding when sometimes I’m out of circulation? well, I may have good reasons or not but I hope no one gets offended when I’m missing in action.